Sunday 31 January 2021

Endless Injustice

It's hard to imagine anything worse for these small, overcrowded, afflicted, sodden, flammable and divided islands than that 5 million (Radio 4 "Today" 30 Jan.) Hong Kong Chinese descend on them. Yet that is what this Conservative Government intends. It is also unjust; because Brits can't live in Hong Kong. Once settled, they can bring relatives to live here... endlessly. As the British Government well knows.

Thursday 28 January 2021

Justice requires Politicians before Lawyers

It is clearly unjust that foreigners can use "equality" laws (which include the word "nationality") to deprive Brits of work, promotion & housing, etc. And that foreign women can deprive British men of them, both because they are foreign and female. But don't expect lawyers to do anything about it. "We don't dispense justice," say the lawyers. "We dispense the law."... So it's up to politicians to end this injustice. But there's no sign of that happening. Which is pretty depressing.

Friday 22 January 2021

Justice requires Balance II

The fact that, it seems, that no one, not even Migration Watch (?) or Nigel Farage (?), can bring a legal case against the British Government for Not Controlling our Borders exposes a serious flaw in British Justice. Because all immigration cases are one-sided. They have the sole aim to support someone's claim to be allowed to live in the UK. That they might not succeed is immaterial. Justice is symbolised by balance, and requires balance.

Thursday 21 January 2021

"racial injustice" - in spades

#President Biden implied in his inauguration speech yesterday he is against "racial injustice". But he allows foreigners to live in the United States even though Americans can't live in their countries. This is a deliberate infliction of demographic change on his "fellow Americans" and is chronic racial injustice - in spades.