Friday 20 January 2017


An epetition to keep President Trump out of the UK was signed by over half a million people. My epetition to stop foreign men using marriage to live in the UK got 735 signatures. Please see this blog of 11 November 2016. I'm grateful to those who signed but appalled by the disparity! The British are good at criticising other people but are not so good at putting their own house in order. Immigration caused Trump's election; immigration caused Brexit and now Northern Ireland's crisis. (A Sinn Fein spokesman - 16 Nov. BBC Radio 4 "Today" - specifically referred to Brexit as a major cause for Sinn Fein bringing down the Northern Ireland Government.) Strange that the Minister for Immigration at the time of the EU Referendum and now the Minister for Northern Ireland is a Mr. Brokenshire! The British fabled sense of humour (notably admired by Britons) is no substitute for solving problems rather than creating them. The UK's problems could have been avoided: Please see this blog of 10 June 2016 "Kamikaze Saga". Thanks! BBC Radio 4 "In Business" (8 Jan.) reported that during President Obama's tenure "at least 2.4 million people were deported" from the US. So President Trump won't be doing anything new if he keeps his promise and deports people who are in the US illegally.


Jeremy said...

People claiming asylum in the UK are told to go to an address in Croydon. A similar system in the US would make having a wall pointless.

Jeremy said...

Abuse of the asylum system is rife. China's one-child policy enabled Chinese to claim asylum in the US. Lawyers interpret (the word they use, as though it were a foreign word they're discussing!) "persecution" any-which-way. China's one-child policy has now ended.... Conditions change, but people aren't sent back to their own country.....

Jeremy said...

The Speaker of the House of Commons, John Berkow, said in the House of Commons yesterday he wants to ban President Trump from speaking in Parliament when he visits the UK later this year. He criticised Trump for racism and sexism. But Berkow deliberately chose a black woman to lead the House of Commons prayers. That was illegal. So where now is the independent judiciary, he so favours, to prosecute Berkow? Besides, every country has border controls, and most illegals are over-stayers. Before 1965 US controls favoured people from countries where most Americans came from. In other words, the British Isles followed by other European countries such as Germany, Italy, Poland, etc. Anyway, we would none of us be here if it weren't for sex discrimination....

Jeremy said...

Judges have again blocked Trump's ban on people from 7 countries entering the US. In the UK, judges jealously guard their independence. And the fortunes they get from immigration cases. These cases lack balance. The courts never prosecute politicians for allowing foreigners to enter/live in the UK. No balance = No justice. I was refused legal aid when I tried to bring a case against Mrs. Thatcher for not keeping her 1979 election manifesto promise to stop foreign men using marriage to live in the UK. Though I qualified for legal aid on financial grounds....

Jeremy said...

Russia & China don't allow entry for people Trump wants to ban, so why don't his critics criticise them? The Archbishop of Canterbury supports more child refugees (mostly young men) being allowed to live in Britain. He would help his case if he argued that the Archbishop of York be returned to Uganda. The latter came to Britain claiming persecution by Idi Amin. The Ugandan dictator has long gone, so why is the Archbishop still here? We all know about sham marriages. Now we know about sham claims to the high moral ground....

Jeremy said...

The Archbishop of Canterbury said today (BBC Radio 4 "Sunday") he doesn't "want the moral high ground. It's Jesus who holds the moral high ground." I'm pretty sure Jesus never spoke in favour of immigration! He famously kept out of politics.... (Unlike the Church of England!)

Jeremy said...

Singapore surrendered to the Japanese 75 years ago today. Britain's prestige has yet to recover. Japan attacked South-East Asia because of American sanctions imposed to get the Japanese Army out of China. Japan had about a year's supply of oil. There was oil in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). It's ironic that in the post-war period China was extremely hostile to the Americans - to whom they owed their freedom.