Wednesday 23 October 2019

We're all Puppets on a String

The Brexit imbroglio caused by politicians, lawyers, etc.(incl. voters) is caused by immigration which is also a big long ongoing muddle that is the result of disputes between politicians, lawyers, etc.(voters who want it and innocently pretend that the trouble it has caused has nothing to do with them). Immigration is also responsible for "equality" laws and for their offspring "positive action" which gives legal cover for prioritising everyone over native British men. The carers in a care home I visit are all foreign. They don't stay long. It's a fair bet that having established themselves here they then find more lucrative and less demanding work. So there is an endless turnover of staff. Immigration, like its offspring Brexit, is a not-very-Merry-go-round.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Chinese pay £20,000 to enter the UK illegally. (BBC Radio 4 "Today".) It's shameful that Britain is perceived as so weak and divided, and ripe for exploitation. Not deporting people who are in the UK illegally naturally encourages others to come. The will isn't there to send the right message. Weak? Britain is awash with a vast army of NGOs and lawyers employed in the immigration industry.