Wednesday 19 August 2020

Adapt or Die

The UK famously doesn't have a written Constitution because times change and we don't want to be legally bound by words that have ceased to be appropriate.... So it is strange that we signed up to the 1948 UN Convention on Refugees and the 1951 European Convention on Human Rights..... We have, after much prolonged argument, left the European Union; and we have, overnight with no argument, suspended the Hong Kong Extradition Treaty..... So it's about time we left or suspended the UN Convention on Refugees..... Nearly 5,000 illegal aliens have claimed refugee status in Britain so far this year by crossing the English Channel in small boats, even though they could have claimed asylum in France..... Furthermore, we are told that millions of people from all over the world are legally entitled to live in these small islands because they would qualify for refugee status..... So, better late than never: Adapt (leave/suspend) or die (suicide).

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