Saturday 27 November 2021

Muggers Mug Mugs!

Labour's Sir Kier Starmer and David Milliband both say asylum seekers whose claims fail should be deported. But the Conservatives' Security and Borders Minister, Damien Hines, says (BBC Radio 4 "Today" today) that none are deported. (!) So why vote Tory? And why have an elaborate and expensive asylum system, employing many thousands of people, when its decisions aren't acted upon?.... The nonsense of Britain's asylum system was exposed, for everyone to see, when, last August, hundreds (thousands?) of British nationals were repatriated from Kabul. These were Afghans. Who had come to Britain, claimed asylum, got British nationality and gone back to Afghanistan for their holidays! "Asylum" is exploited by mainly young men to get around normal immigration controls. Muggers mug mugs!

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