Tuesday 22 November 2016


Other countries have medical ID cards to prevent foreigners using health services for free. England (today's News) is trying out ID proof in certain areas (e.g. Peterborough). If these procedures aren't done properly and comprehensively they can easily be circumvented. The present scheme will mean that natives are inconvenienced, and hospital staff waste valuable time checking. Britain is not just a puddle (hit by heavy rains last night), but a muddle.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

When my Japanese wife was taken to hospital (in Britain) a few years ago a nurse asked me questions while filling in a form. I said I was her husband, but I could have been anybody! There was no check. The nurse went down the corridor to an office and then came back with another form. She apologised for taking my time "but we have to do it". I was going to be sitting with my wife anyway! It was her time as a nurse that was being wasted!