Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Common Currency

John Humphrys (BBC Radio 4 Today) and Jeremy Vine (BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine Show) have today both described the Norwegian gunman as a "madman".
A murderer, yes; but a madman, no.
He wants to prevent his country from being occupied by foreigners. That's not mad.
In January 1983 the British Parliament voted to allow foreign men to occupy the UK through marriage.
Mrs. Thatcher's Government thereby reneged on its 1979 election promise to end that concession. A Conservative Member of Parliament, Ivor Stanbrook, who voted against the measure, described it as "insane".
(Mrs. Thatcher killed people: 255 British servicemen died in the 1982 Falkands Conflict, not to mention Argentinians and 3 British women - all because of the occupation of territory.)
If prominent public figures (JH & JV) categorically state something it becomes common currency.