Saturday, 8 August 2020

When is a Crime not a Crime?

Rear-Admiral Parry says that asylum seekers should apply in the first safe country.wants the Royal Navy to help illegals cross the English Channel to England. (BBC Radio 4 "Today".) Why? Because it saved 18,000 lives in the Mediterranean. The Admiral didn't say where those 18,000 people are now..... 21 people traffickers have been jailed. (Radio 4 "Any Questions?") We weren't told where. Nor what for. It's not clear to me that they have committed a crime. Being in a country illegally is a serious crime. But presumably that doesn't apply to people traffickers..... The Dublin Convention, we were told, says that asylum seekers should apply in the first safe country. France is obviously a safe country. So if they enter Britain from France they shouldn't be given asylum here.It's against the law! Anyone who grants them asylum here should be prosecuted. By the Crown Prosecution Service. That is what the CPS is for..... Previous reference to the CPS was on 19 March 2019 of this blog.