Saturday, 9 December 2023

Only in Britain?

Wouldn't you just know it?! Britain now has a Minister for Illegal Migration, which, just like the recent Illegal Migrants Act, is surely a contradiction in terms. If they're illegal they shouldn't be here. Britain prides itself, like all Western democracies, on abiding by the Rule of Law. Being in a country illegally is a serious crime. It's unjust to those who return home when their visa expires (most illegals are overstayers). It makes mockery of the passport system, the purpose of which is that border control be mutually advantageous. And what's the point of having armed forces if a country can be occupied by illegal means? (Please see this blog of 1 July 2018.) Furthermore, since most illegals are young men, it aggravates the existing disparity of the ratio of the sexes of young people in Britain (there already being more young men than young women - which is surely one reason why suicide is the most common cause of death among young men in Britain.)