Monday, 6 June 2016

Distracting & Divisive

It is clearly unjust that foreign husbands are entitled, because of equality laws, to deprive Britons of work and promotion. It is also unjust that foreign wives are entitled to deprive British men of work and promotion both because they are foreign and female.
The former injustice exists because of the latter.
The Equal Opportunities Commission vigorously campaigned against the Conservatives' 1979 election manifesto policy to stop foreign men using marriage to live in the UK. Mrs. Thatcher's Government duly backed down. The EOC's campaign was illegal, because the House of Lords determined on 7 July 1983 that the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act did not apply to immigration control.
Never mind injustice, we have a Referendum on the European Union to distract us.
In 1415 Henry V invaded France to distract English/Welshmen from his father's usurpation and regicide. His intention was to unite the country behind him....The result was the War of the Roses.