Friday, 1 December 2023

Reds Queer

Marriage is used for immigration. So if (for example) an Indian man with British nationality or residency marries a foreign man that man can live in the UK - and ultimately get British nationality. Lord Cameron, Britain's new Foreign Secretary, said his greatest achievement as Prime Minister was allowing same-sex marriage. In the 3 TV debates prior to the 2010 General Election, which resulted in him becoming Prime Minister, he promised to cut net migration to tens of thousands a year. But of course he didn't. The excess of immigration over emigration continues to be hundreds of thousands a year. Russia allows homosexuality. But a court decision in Moscow has just clamped down on promoting it. Does Russia allow foreign men to live there through marriage? (Younger men - without a disability - probably wouldn't want to these days for fear of being conscripted.) And if it does, does it allow a foreign man married to a Russian man to live in Russia?.... (David Cameron resigned as Prime Minister in 2016 after the Referendum he called on Britain being in the European Union resulted in a Leave vote. He didn't want Britain to leave. But voters in England & Wales were taken in by the Leave Campaign's promise to "Control our borders!" which Mr. Cameron failed to refute. Please see this blog of 10 June 2016 "Kamikaze Saga".)