Thursday, 25 November 2021

Passing the Buck

More than 20 illegals drowned in the English Channel yesterday. The British Government blames people traffickers. But the British Government is the biggest people trafficker. It provides a Ferry Service from midway across the Channel. And moreover it's Free! Besides, by not deporting any of the 25,000+ illegals who have entered England this way so far this year the British Government sends a signal to everyone throughout the world that the way to avoid normal immigration controls and get permanent residence in the UK is to cross the Channel in a small boat. (!) .... These illegals could've claimed asylum in France, so they're clearly not genuine refugees. They should be promptly deported. But they're not. Prefering to live in the UK, partly because English is a more international language than French, is no reason why they should be allowed to live here.... But they are. Unjustly.