Saturday, 7 January 2017

Much is made of British Values - They need to be looked at....

1) When the Prime Minister was Home Secretary she talked about reducing the number of immigration appeals from 17 to 4.(!) Britons abroad can't avail themselves of such appeals. And these appeals assume a mistake on behalf of immigration officers. They are only one-way: if officers make a mistake by allowing someone to live in the UK there is no appeal against that! Plus, think of the bureaucracy (= public money) involved in all these appeals! (2) Other countries have ID cards. Britain's Parliament debated having ID cards back in the 1980s. The latest scheme involved having ID cards that would be voluntary! Barmy! There's no point in having them! No wonder (some 30 years later!) David Cameron finally scrapped the idea. So this served as a sign to potential illegals they can continue to know the best country in which to live undetected.... (3) Britain's much-vaunted National Health Service (our pride & joy!) is exploited by foreigners who come here to avail themselves of free health care and even to give birth (a great way to obtain British nationality!) No wonder the NHS is collapsing under the strain! The problem is recognised, but is dealt with by nurses (who have enough to do as it is!) traipsing along corridors carrying forms backwards and forwards, and asking questions the answers to which they have no means of checking. Other countries have ID cards for people who are entitled to medical care. That's so simple, but it's beyond the scope of British Values.... (4) Nurses trained in Britain can't get jobs because the NHS recruits from abroad. This was called "looting the Third World" by the former leader of the British National Party. The increasing demand for carers means that it's necessary to recruit from abroad. But many find work in old folks' homes to be onerous and so leave to find more congenial work. This is contrary to their visa, and so is illegal. It also means that more foreign & Commonwealth people come to the UK with a visa to work as a carer. (5) "We don't dispense justice; we dispense the law," so said a judge recently. It's clearly unjust that "nationality" is included in the Race Relations Act - it empowers foreigners to deprive Britons of work & promotion (an unnatural privilege). Judges enforce the law at the behest of Parliament. But lawyers prevent deportations contrary to the wishes of politicians! Our own Prime Minister complained about this when she was Home Secretary - famously citing the case of a man who, she said, couldn't be deported because he once had a cat! (6) Skill at compromise oiled the wheels of the British Empire; that has now transmuted to a Great British Muddle (would it were instead just a Great British Bake-off). Please see this blog "An Abnormal British Muddle (includes lavatory humour)" at 13 August 2016 Many thanks!