Friday, 26 August 2016

What we need is Will

Nothing is more important than the occupation of territory. But a judge dismissed my case about not being able to live in Hong Kong as "frivolous", and he didn't give me the chance to refute it. Please see "Sauce for the Gander" in 2013, my Comments at the end. And the European Commission of Human Rights dismissed my 1977 complaint about foreign men being able to live in the UK through marriage even though I (and other British men) often cannot live in their countries through marriage. The reason given was that I hadn't been the victim of a decision by a Government body. Today (BBC Radio 4 "World at One") we are told that a foreign criminal used the European Convention on Human Rights to prevent his deportation from the UK because he has a girl friend here; another was also prevented from being deported because he once had a cat. (!) The legal expert said that the Prime Minister, who had 6 years of experience as Home Secretary, could see no way to prevent such rulings in the future. As Shakespeare said, Where there's a Will there's a Way.

Corollary (a challenging word for Japanese to say)

One reason Prime Minister Lloyd George changed his mind in 1917 about extending the parliamentary vote to women was that because of the slaughter taking place among young men it would be impossible for many young British women to get married. That is no longer the case. What it would have been impossible for him or anyone else to imagine is that empowering women has brought about a surplus of young men in the UK. But that is what has happened. This is because of the successful feminist campaign to defeat the Conservatives' 1979 election manifesto policy to stop foreign men using marriage to live in the UK. The corollary of "rights" is responsibilities. I am grateful to the many women who have expressed support for my epetition at