Thursday, 16 July 2020

Mrs Thatcher's Discord

Edward Colston's statue in Bristol was replaced by a statue of an Afro-Caribbean woman with a raised fist. A deliberately confrontational gesture (of both fist and statue). It's a fair bet that woman can live in a Caribbean or African country which I (and most Brits) can't. She is very privileged if she can live in two different non-EU countries..... On 4 May 1979 Mrs Thatcher said outside 10 Downing Street "Where there is discord let there be harmony." She had just been elected Prime Minister with a promise to restrict immigration. But within days she allowed Vietnamese to settle here, and within weeks Iranians. And in October it was announced she had broken her promise to stop foreign men using marriage to live in the UK. Since some 10,000 men a year exploit this loophole there are now around 400,000 foreign men and their children living in these islands. Where there was harmony there is now discord.