Friday, 12 August 2022

Citing International Law is Deceptive

We're told everyone is entitled to claim asylum. But that doesn't mean everyone should get refugee status. There's nothing in international law to say that lawyers have to be involved, or legal aid given, or that appeals (until a favourable decision is arrived at) can be made. These are British Government decisions. The Government could and should end these concessions. In which case, the Home Secretary could instruct Immigration Officers to promptly deport any illegal who could have claimed asylum in France, Belgium, etc. on the grounds they're clearly not genuine refugees. Then this long ongoing (since 2018) invasion of these islands by thousands (over 20,000 so far this year) of illegals crossing the English Channel in small boats would soon stop. ... A year ago we all saw on our TV screens that thousands of "British nationals" had to be brought back to the UK from Kabul when the Taleban took over the city. These thousands were, of course, Afghans. There's nothing in international law that says refugee status results in permanent residence, let alone in British nationality. So why does the British Government do it? TV and radio interviewers never ask senior politicians this question. Why not?