Monday, 29 July 2019

High Moral Ground

A fair and firm immigration system holds the moral high ground. This is not only because it protects the indigenous inhabitants (who probably have lethal defence forces for the same purpose) but protects foreigners from having to cope with inconsistencies and muddle. The USA used to have strict controls until 1965 when President Johnson relaxed them. Hence much of the present imbroglio and unhappiness. Most illegals have entered the USA illegally and overstayed. Word of their success naturally attracts others to follow suit. Allowing foreigners to occupy your country while your own citizens can't live in theirs is clearly unfair (= immoral). It is also unjust. And to add to this injustice "equality" laws enable foreigners to deprive citizens of work and promotion. Jesus famously believed in upholding the law. So it is unChristian to render assistance to illegals. It is also immoral.