Sunday, 12 April 2020

Moral, Morals (For "High Moral Ground" please see this blog of 29 July 2019) and Power

Dominic Raab, before deputising as Prime Minister, expressed opposition to "positive discrimination" (also called "positive action"). Mrs May criticised him in the House of Commons for calling feminists "obnoxious bigots". (BBC Radio 4 "Profile")……… It's obvious feminism and immigration are closely linked because the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act was modelled on the 1965 Race Relations Act (which applied to "nationality", not just race). And the vigorous campaign by feminists in 1979 that enables foreign men to live in the UK through marriage..... Moral: Britain's problems are self-inflicted... .. Power controls language and language controls power. Britain's power is a shadow of its former self. But... the Government's leaflet on the coronavirus (sent with a letter from the Prime Minister) uses "herself" to describe an anonymous individual instead of the usual "himself". There is more on this theme on this blog at "Language Traduces Thought" on 18 April 2017.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

When is a Pillar not a Pillar?

BBC News yesterday at 6 p.m.showed thousands of young men in Calais trying to get to England. Most will, on past experience. There was no social distancing (which is imposed, quite rightly in my opinion, more strictly in France than in the UK) to prevent the spread of coronavirus. No one asked why they didn't claim asylum in France. Someone said they had done nothing illegal. But being in a country illegally is a serious crime. And if they hadn't claimed asylum in France there were there illegally. The Rule of Law is one of the three Pillars (together with Democracy and Human Rights) of the European Union. Which clearly France doesn't abide by when in comes to sans papiers wanting to go somewhere else.