Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Flannel and Waffle on the "Titanic"

Labour Party Leader Sir Kier Starmer's themes for his first Party Conference speech were said to be pro-Britain and pro-family. If he's truly pro-Britain he'd oppose allowing illegals to take up permanent residecnce here. And he'd oppose foreign men being allowed to use marriage to live in the UK. If they want to raise families they can do that in their own countries. By ignoring these problems Sir Kier's speech was just flannel and waffle. And Britain continues to rush headlong into disaster while politicians re-arrange the deckchairs on our very own "Titanic".

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

The Whampanogs have it!

"I certainly regret it!" - said a Whampanog referring to the arrival of the "Mayflower" in 1620. (BBC Radio 4 "Today".) The Pilgrim Fathers crossed the Atlantic because of persecution, which is the reason for refugee status today. They numbered about 100. The number of illegals claiming refugee status who have crossed the English Channel in small boats and been allowed into England this year is over 5,000. We'll certainly regret it.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Lunatic House

The Immigration Offices in Croydon are appropriately in Lunar House. "Welcome to the Asylum" was published by Centre for Policy Studies back in 2001. There's a separate section for asylum seekers. These mostly young men don't come here because of our climate or our once beautiful countryside that's being rapidly built over. They come because they have found a way to get around the constraints on normal travellers who have passports and (if necessary) visas. And they get permanent residence. Many do it to join their compatriots already here who encourage them to come. Having friends/relatives living in the UK is no qualification for refugee status, but it works!.... When the new invaders who land on our shores daily (in calm seas) learn that Britain once had slave traders will they turn around and go back home? Or will they come to accept that they too are guilty? Or, more likely, are they just here for what they can get?..... Opposition to porous borders is natural. Yet it provokes intense hostility! Why? Bitain, like other countries, has armed forces (including nuclear weapons in Britain's case). Immigration controls perform the same function, but without killing people. So why is it that those who want stricter, but fair and just immigration control are subjected to such hostility? It's unbalanced, irrational and barmy.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Stop Digging!

Half a century is a fair chunk of modern times. Britain's comprehensive immigration system has been going on for about 50 years funded by the taxpayer: lawyers, judges, tribunals, NGOs, translators, advisors, immigration officers and civil servants. And in addition the poor bloody British taxpayer pays for state benefits, since asylum seekers aren't allowed to work. Time to stop digging!....Just have immigration officers and a few civil servants. Like other countries. Get rid of the rest..... And since we've left the European Union we ought to be able to leave the UN Convention on Refugees with far less difficulty.....Another hole: foreign men have been allowed to use marriage to live in the UK since 1975. About 10,000 men a year exploit this loophole. That's been said to be "not many". But cumulatively that's some 400,000 men and their children who are living in these islands. Which is many. Mrs Thatcher promised in her 1979 election manifesto to close this concession. But she didn't. The 1975 Sex Discrimination Act established the Equal Opportunities Commission which campaigned vigorously and successfully to oppose the Conservatives' election policy. The EOC, of course, was funded by the taxpayer. As are politicians. With all this bureacracy it's a wonder there's any money left in the Treasury!