Sunday, 12 June 2016

Indefinite Leave

Most foreigners want to get Permanent Residence stamped in their passports when they live abroad.
Foreigners here don't get P.R. Instead "Indefinite Leave to Remain" is stamped in their passports.
There's a difference.
A vigorous campaign was waged by various factions to defeat the Conservatives' 1979 election manifesto policy to stop foreign men using marriage to live in the UK.
It culminated with the European Court of Human Rights' decision in favour of 3 (foreign) women whose husbands were not allowed to live in the UK. Mrs. Thatcher's Government's response to this was to make it harder for foreign wives to live in the UK. ("The Times" 29 May 1985, page 1.)
For example a British husband must have an annual income of at least £18,600.
Another example is that if they live in the wife's country for a certain length of time she loses "Indefinite Leave to Remain" in the UK. To get it back the couple have to return to the UK and  prove they have lived together for a year. So naturally there is an incentive to not leave the UK in the first place.

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