Monday, 20 June 2016

Thought Control

In "1984" there is a Ministry of Equality that promotes inequality.
In 1984 I thought Britain was worse than Airstrip One (Orwell's name for Britain) because we now have two equality organisations. The Equal Opportunities Commission had successfully campaigned against the Conservatives' policy to stop foreign men using marriage to live in the UK. Even though the House of Lords determined (7 July 1983) that the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 did not apply to immigration control. The EOC was set up by Parliament to enforce work opportunities for women (the corollary being depriving men). Foreign husbands ae similarly entitled, by law, to deprive Britons of work and promotion. These men are here (partly) because of the EOC's illegal campaign. The largest group of taxpayers is British men. They fund the people in the "equality" industries!
In "1984" the only hope lay with the poor, the "proles", who cared about the future of Airstrip One. Central to the theme of "1984" is language. Newspeak enabled thought control. Jo Cox said: "women and men". 
I am grateful to the many women who have expressed support for my epetition "Stop foreign men using marriage to live in the UK" at

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