Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Criminal Blair (?)

Saddam Hussein expelled the weapons inspectors. He allowed them back in when troops were sent to the Kuwait-Iraq border.
The Chilcot Report is out today.
On 18 March 2003 several MPs said in Britain's House of Commons that British troops could not remain behind if the Americans invaded Iraq. (They would be worse than useless as allies.)
While British lives were at risk on the battlefield the Government allowed foreign men to take up permanent residence in the UK.
Tony Blair swatted aside the many critics by saying they were racists.
Immigration has forced the UK out of the EU.
Judges gleefully weigh in on immigration cases where there is the prospect of someone being enabled to live here. But not when there isn't.
Please see "Sauce for the Gander" in 2013. My Comments at the end.

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