Thursday, 21 July 2016

Factional Self-interest

Russia, by far the world's largest country, has taken 3 Syrians who applied for asylum from a war in which Russia is deeply involved. (Iran and Saudi Arabia, how many?) Syrians travel through Russia to live in Norway. Afghanistan shares a border with China. But Afghans don't go to China (the world's 2nd. richest country). They come here. Communities help their own people. And it is no secret that in Europe Non-Governmental Organisations and lawyers help people who want to live in Europe. Thousands of people, mainly young men, illegally in France and Belgium flock to the Channel ports to enter Britain. They don't have to come to Britain to claim asylum, but this is where they want to come. That says everything. While people without passports are allowed to stay here, not a day passes but that people with passports are refused entry to the UK. 30,000 a year are sent back on arrival (Chris Huhne's figure in 2010). This has badly affected me. First in 1965, and then in 1978 and 9. Please see "Inhuman Wrongs" in 2008. Factional self-interest was behind a determined campaign to defeat the Conservatives' 1979 election manifesto policy to stop foreign men using marriage to live in the UK. Conversely, discontent with immigration is forcing the UK to leave the European Union, which has many negative impacts not least of which is annoying our neighbours. It also resulted in the recent murder of an MP, to the ruin of more than one life.

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