Sunday, 10 March 2019

Criminals in Cahoots

The 1965 Race Relations Act enables foreigners ("nationality" is specified) to deprive Brits of work. It inspired the 1975 Sex Discrimination Act which enables women to deprive men of work. But it was used to defeat Mrs Thatcher's 1979 election promise to stop foreign men being allowed to live in the UK through marriage. So that they are entitled to deprive native Brits of work, promotion, etc. The immigration and feminist industries are criminals in cahoots. Foreigners can see this; so why can't the Crown Prosecution Service?


Socialist Motherland Party said...

Hello Jeremy. The SMPBI has been permanently banned from Twitter, and with Google+ ended, there is no other way to get hold of you than this comments section. We would like to discuss various matters with you - which would be better spoken off in a less public environment! Please get in touch with us at

Jeremy said...

Jeremy Corbyn said yesterday in a speech to promote Labour in the 23 May elections "don't blame immigrants for lowering wages; blame bad employers". He was roundly applauded. He obfuscates. Most work visas (not Spouse) are job specific. But having got a visa for a poorly paid job (e.g. as a carer) foreigners can apply for better paid work elsewhere. Mr. Corbyn knows this. He also knows that "equality" laws apply not just to British citizens but to foreigners, and this entitles them to deprive Brits of work and promotion. No MP argues against these unjust laws. Instead, Mr Corbyn blames his own scapegoats and gets a round of applause. No wonder politicians obfuscate. it works!