Sunday, 31 January 2021

Endless Injustice

It's hard to imagine anything worse for these small, overcrowded, afflicted, sodden, flammable and divided islands than that 5 million (Radio 4 "Today" 30 Jan.) Hong Kong Chinese descend on them. Yet that is what this Conservative Government intends. It is also unjust; because Brits can't live in Hong Kong. Once settled, they can bring relatives to live here... endlessly. As the British Government well knows.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

NOTE: This proposed influx of 5 million Hong Kong Chinese is in addition to the 50,000 plus dependents who were allowed to settle in the UK in 1997.
Please see this blog of 2013 "Sauce for the Gander", under "Comments", for an account of my attempt to get equal treatment for when I wasn't allowed to live in Hong Kong.