Thursday, 2 September 2021

Banging on on Afghanistan

Boris Johnson keeps banging on about "women's rights" in Afghanistan. But he says not a word about "men's rights" in Britain. Because he doubtless approves of the unjust law known as "positive action" that entitles the BBC, police, GCHQ, etc. to recruit/promote native British men LAST. And he also says nothing about protecting our borders, which is - or should be - every native Brits "right".... Hundreds of British nationals are still in Afghanistan. This exposes for everyone to see the long ongoing absurdity of Britain's asylum system. These people, mostly young men, have found a way to get around normal immigration controls. Having been granted asylum and acquired British nationality they then go "home" for their holidays! The system was being abused back in 2001, the year of the 11 September attacks, as was recorded in "Welcome to the Asylum", published that year by Centre for Policy Studies. If the author hoped to improve the system it clearly didn't work.

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