Wednesday, 6 December 2023

Foreign Dependencies

This Conservative Government, elected to cut immigration, allows the recruitment of foreign students and of care workers, both categories of whom are allowed to bring their dependents to live here. In 1970 the fees of foreign students were increased. This was because too many foreign students were depriving British students of university places. This was denounced as discrimination. Now, however, because they pay more, foreign students are actively recruited! Thus reversing the original intention. But are foreign students so rich they actually have dependents? They can afford to bring here? And who can, of course, in due course, become British citizens. As for care workers, why is Britain recruiting far and wide to bring them here? Before we left the European Union many care workers were East European who could come and go between the UK and their own countries at will. Now they can't so they don't come. And their places are taken by others... who insist on being able to bring their dependents. Or they won't come. Britain left the EU mainly because of England/Wales voters' desires to cut immigration. Instead it has resulted in increased immigration. As I thought might happen: Please see this blog of 10 June 2016 "Kamikaze Saga"..... It has long been recognised that foreigners have obtained student visas to attend non-existent colleges. This is clearly a very successful scam that ought to have been clamped down long ago on by even a not-very conscientous Government. Now it is revealed (BBC Radio 4 "Today", this morning) that visas are being given regarding non-existent care homes. (!) .... My poor wife passed away on 4 June 2023 in a care home after 9 and a half years of dementia caused by a stroke. None of the care workers in the latter years were British, mostly they were Indian. There was a rapid turnover of staff. I got the impression that, having established themselves here and found their feet, they soon moved on to more amenable and lucrative work. (Doubtless illegal, but who cares? Who's going to do anything about it?) Instead of subjecting themselves to this scam and saving money in the long run, why doesn't the British Government attract British workers to this vital industry by improving the pay of care workers? Or have they given up because it's all too late?!

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