Monday, 29 November 2021

End Ongoing Injustices

These boats crossing the English Channel with illegals could soon be stopped. The illegals could have claimed asylum in France so they are clearly not genuine refugees. Give a warning that the next boatload will be deported, if not to France then back to their own countries, and they will be kept in a detention centre until they are. Then do it.... We are told some countries don't take back their illegals (e.g. Iran, China, Vietnam). It implies they can never be deported. This injustice has been going on a long time. Mrs Thatcher complained of "economic migrants" back in the 1980s. The guilty countries want hard currency sent back to them. Politicians/diplomats should have ended this scam years ago.

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Muggers Mug Mugs!

Labour's Sir Kier Starmer and David Milliband both say asylum seekers whose claims fail should be deported. But the Conservatives' Security and Borders Minister, Damien Hines, says (BBC Radio 4 "Today" today) that none are deported. (!) So why vote Tory? And why have an elaborate and expensive asylum system, employing many thousands of people, when its decisions aren't acted upon?.... The nonsense of Britain's asylum system was exposed, for everyone to see, when, last August, hundreds (thousands?) of British nationals were repatriated from Kabul. These were Afghans. Who had come to Britain, claimed asylum, got British nationality and gone back to Afghanistan for their holidays! "Asylum" is exploited by mainly young men to get around normal immigration controls. Muggers mug mugs!

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Passing the Buck

More than 20 illegals drowned in the English Channel yesterday. The British Government blames people traffickers. But the British Government is the biggest people trafficker. It provides a Ferry Service from midway across the Channel. And moreover it's Free! Besides, by not deporting any of the 25,000+ illegals who have entered England this way so far this year the British Government sends a signal to everyone throughout the world that the way to avoid normal immigration controls and get permanent residence in the UK is to cross the Channel in a small boat. (!) .... These illegals could've claimed asylum in France, so they're clearly not genuine refugees. They should be promptly deported. But they're not. Prefering to live in the UK, partly because English is a more international language than French, is no reason why they should be allowed to live here.... But they are. Unjustly.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

"Dead in the Water"

Home Secretary Priti Patel has ordered the UK Border Force to escort small boats with illegals crossing the English Channel back to France "if it's safe to do so". This plan is "dead in the water", said an Immigration Service union official on BBC Radio 4 "Today" because it requires the French to co-operate - and they won't. When the first (?) of these smalll boats arrived in England with illegals in 2018 the Immigration Minister just meekly said "It's deeply concerning". This was an open invitation for more to come. They should, instead, have been promptly put on a ferry back to France. If the French had refused them permission to land they should then have been sent back to their own countries. That would have stopped these crossings dead in the water. Instead, many thousands - more than invaded England in 1066! - have been allowed to take up permanent residence here, bypassing Britain's elaborate, expensive and "broken" (Priti Patel's word) asylum system.

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Banging on on Afghanistan

Boris Johnson keeps banging on about "women's rights" in Afghanistan. But he says not a word about "men's rights" in Britain. Because he doubtless approves of the unjust law known as "positive action" that entitles the BBC, police, GCHQ, etc. to recruit/promote native British men LAST. And he also says nothing about protecting our borders, which is - or should be - every native Brits "right".... Hundreds of British nationals are still in Afghanistan. This exposes for everyone to see the long ongoing absurdity of Britain's asylum system. These people, mostly young men, have found a way to get around normal immigration controls. Having been granted asylum and acquired British nationality they then go "home" for their holidays! The system was being abused back in 2001, the year of the 11 September attacks, as was recorded in "Welcome to the Asylum", published that year by Centre for Policy Studies. If the author hoped to improve the system it clearly didn't work.

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Historians say History doesn't Repeat itself... But...

In 376 AD the Goths, under pressure from the Huns, turned up on the Northern banks of the Danube and asked the Romans permission to live in their Empire. The Romans agreed on two conditions: That they give up their weapons and their children. The Goths managed to keep many of their weapons in exchange for allowing the weapons inspectors to sleep with their wives and daughters. They defeated the Romans at the Battle of Adrianople on 9 August 378. They got their children back. Those children sacked Rome in August 410 AD.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Deception is the Better Part of Valour

"Is there any point in having armed forces?" asked "The Sun" 2 days ago. Deception plays a large part in war. And in politics. Bringing thousands of Afghans to live in the UK is presented (by the Home Secretary) as a success. But the whole point of having armed forces is to prevent the occupation of these islands by foreigners!..... A couple of years ago a Royal Navy recruitmnt ad. showed a warship picking up illegals in the Mediterranean. And Rear-Admiral Parry proudly boasted that the Royal Navy had rescued 18,000 people from the sea. That was his way of saying the Royal Navy has brought 18,000 illegals to live in Europe. Which is not contributing to Britain's defence.... This blog earlier asked the same question "Is there any point in having armed forces?" back on 1 July 2018.

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Death in Paradise - in this case Plymouth - A Tragedy long in the Making

A young man of 22 in Plymouth shot and killed 5 people - his mother and 4 strangers - and then himself on 12 August. This tragedy is not the fault of the gunman. He is said to have been very unhappy because he didn't have a girlfriend. It is statistically impossible for all young men in the UK to have a girl firend. Because there are many more young men living here than there are young women. This is partly because of the many thousands of asylum seekers, almost all young men, who could have claimed asylum in France, Belgium, etc. but are allowed to live in the UK. Moreover, back in 1979 Mrs Thatcher promised in her election manifesto that she would end the concession whereby foreign men can use marriage to live in the UK. But she did not keep her promise. It was said earlier in the Press that she wouldn't be able to implement this policy because it would contravene the European Convention on Human Rights. So on 10 June 1977 I complained to the European Commission of Human Rights about this very issue. But the Commission refused to investigate my complaint. Some 10,000 foreign and Commonwealth men a year exploit this immigration loophole, so since 1979 probably more than 400,000 men are living in these islands through having found someone to marry..... (Plymouth is my home town - there are lots of Passmores there.)

Saturday, 31 July 2021


Politicians and the RNLI say illegals crossing the English Channel are "rescued" from the sea. This implies these illegals are honest sailors going about their business. Whereas in fact they've come to occupy these islands. The politicians and RNLI are thus using disinformation, an Orwellian tactic usually associated with Russia and China to further their own interests. Not facilitate foreign occupation. ..Rear-Admiral Parry proudly claimed the Royal Navy has "rescued" 18,000 people from the Mediterranean. This implies they have been returned safely to their homes. Whereas in fact they've been brought to Europe. This disinformation is a smokescreen that obscures the justification for the Royal Navy's existence - which is its duty to protect these islands from foreign occupation. Why does it do this? Becaause it's ordered to by the Government.... Meanwhile, the Royal Navy's flagship is heading a task force to the South China Sea, there to impress the Chinese. Who would be much more impressed if the Royal Navy stayed in home waters preventing invasion.

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Epetitions to Parliament are Pointless!

MPs' response to an epetition is to continue with legal aid for immigration. British politicians should be ashamed! There's absolutely no reason why lawyers should be involved in immigration cases. It's a money bonanza for lawyers. At our expense. With no end in sight. Immigration should be left to Immigration Officers. If we go abroad and an Immigration Officer tells us to go... we go. A country that funds its own occupation deserves all it gets.... Besides, it's pointless having an elaborate and expensive system of tribunals and appeals when on the rare occasions they've been exhausted ( (along with the participants) the failed asylum seeker isn't deported. So much so that when someone's immigration status is said to be a "failed asylum seeker" it's readily accepted and no one bats an eyelid.

Saturday, 17 July 2021

More Signatures Needed

There's an epetition to Parliament for the UK to withdraw from the 1951 UN Convention on Refugees. The Prime Minister has no intention of leaving the Convention, but more signatures could result in a Parliamentary debate on the matter.... Over 8o million people in war zones around the world have the legal right to live in the UK. Leaving the Convention would end this right. But it wouldn't end refugee status in the UK, which would then become a concession (instead of a "right"). The current elaborate asylum system involving many lawyers and translators and endless appeals would be dismantled. Such a system was not necessary when former Prime Minister David Cameron determined that 20,000 Syrian refugees be allowed to settle in these islands, following the death of a small boy in the Aegean.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

The Great Betrayal

Many people are unhappy about immigration. If that were not so Britain would still be in the European Union. This Government has taken Britain out of the EU. But it hasn't reduced immigration!Instead it has increased it. By helping illegals take up permanent settlement here, by wanting over 5 million Hong Kong Chinese to come here, and of course by continuing with the ongoing endless chain migration of relatives.

Monday, 12 July 2021

An Invasion by any other name is still an Invasion

Over 450 British troops were killed in Afghanistan and many more wounded over the course of a 20 year campaign, just ended. While that was going on thousands of illegals (equivalent to William the Conqueror's army of about 14,000 in 1066) have been allowed to settle in these small, overcrowded islands. Back in 2001 the Centre for Policy Studies published "Welcome to the Asylum". Politicians learnt nothing from this 20 year old account of Britain's "broken" (Priti Patel's word) asylum system.... While soldiers return to Britain from Afghanistan a Royal Navy task force, led by the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth heads towards the South China Sea. It is heading the wrong way. The invasion of Britain is taking place across the English Channel by illegals using small boats. The UK Border Force helps them, under orders from the Home Secretary Priti Patel. Someone in the Admiralty should tell the task force heading East that it should do something about it. Churchill would!... And if anything would impress the Chinese that would.... People traffickers charge illegals between £4 & 10,000 for small boats to take them across the English Channel. Where do they get the money from? Well, in some cases they get it from us! Their friends/relatives already living in the UK send money to them. So if they can afford that why should we, the taxpayer, then pay for their endless legal challenges? America doesn't provide legal aid for immigration. And a country that funds its own occupation deserves all it gets!

Saturday, 3 July 2021

White Flag on the White Cliffs

Pictures of refugees normally show them dejected. But the thousands of young men who cross the English Channel to England in small boats are jubilant - like victorious invaders. Which is what they are, since they are secure in the knowledge that there has been a massive shift in power around the world. They're helped by the UK Border Force (whose job really is to prevent illegal immigration) on the orders of this Conservative Government which was elected to restrict immigration! ... Labour's victory at Batley and Spen on 1 July 2021 inspires a variation of Labour's traditional song. It's also a variation on Vera Lynn's famous song "There'll be bluebirds over The White Cliffs of Dover..." It is: "While cowards flinch and traitors fear We'll keep the white flag flying here."

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Fake Equality

The Government wants millions of Hong Kong Chinese to live in Britain. It doesn't say what good this will bring to Hong Kong or to Britain. It doesn't say it because it can't. But the potential deleterious effect on Britain is obvious: Britain's housing, schools, health service, transport, etc. are desperately overloaded and under strain. And Britain has enough Diversity and fake Equality - Brits can't live in Hong Kong.

Sunday, 31 January 2021

Endless Injustice

It's hard to imagine anything worse for these small, overcrowded, afflicted, sodden, flammable and divided islands than that 5 million (Radio 4 "Today" 30 Jan.) Hong Kong Chinese descend on them. Yet that is what this Conservative Government intends. It is also unjust; because Brits can't live in Hong Kong. Once settled, they can bring relatives to live here... endlessly. As the British Government well knows.

Thursday, 28 January 2021

Justice requires Politicians before Lawyers

It is clearly unjust that foreigners can use "equality" laws (which include the word "nationality") to deprive Brits of work, promotion & housing, etc. And that foreign women can deprive British men of them, both because they are foreign and female. But don't expect lawyers to do anything about it. "We don't dispense justice," say the lawyers. "We dispense the law."... So it's up to politicians to end this injustice. But there's no sign of that happening. Which is pretty depressing.

Friday, 22 January 2021

Justice requires Balance II

The fact that, it seems, that no one, not even Migration Watch (?) or Nigel Farage (?), can bring a legal case against the British Government for Not Controlling our Borders exposes a serious flaw in British Justice. Because all immigration cases are one-sided. They have the sole aim to support someone's claim to be allowed to live in the UK. That they might not succeed is immaterial. Justice is symbolised by balance, and requires balance.

Thursday, 21 January 2021

"racial injustice" - in spades

#President Biden implied in his inauguration speech yesterday he is against "racial injustice". But he allows foreigners to live in the United States even though Americans can't live in their countries. This is a deliberate infliction of demographic change on his "fellow Americans" and is chronic racial injustice - in spades.